The Essential Haircut
This service is for customers who want to refresh their current haircut or make changes to enhance their current style. This includes a hair wash and blow dry.
This service is for customers who want to refresh their current haircut or make changes to enhance their current style. This includes a hair wash and blow dry.
This service is for existing guests who just want a refresh or light trim . This service is a dry cut only and does not include a shampoo or blow dry.
This haircut service includes a Bang or face frame clean-up. *Existing Clients only*
This service is for guests who want to touch up their new growth or want an all over color. *Price varies depending on Density and length of hair *
This service is for guests wanting lighter or darker pieces concentrated around the face and part line. *Price varies depending on Density and length of the hair*
This service is ideal for an all over lighter or darker appearance. Such as all over Highlights or lowlights, balayage, or dimensional color. *price varies depending on Density or length of the hair*
-Consultation required before booking- This service is for guests who are wanting a major transformation. A complete change from your current Color or Style. *Price varies depending on Density and length of the hair*
Includes a hair wash, blow-dry, and style .